Spike Club: Oktoberfest 2023!!
Spike Club: Oktoberfest 2023!!Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
4:30 PM - 11:00 PM CDTWednesday, October 18th
4:30pm - 11pm
(Gates open at 3pm and the event concludes at 11pm)Location
***THIS EVENT IS FOR SPIKE CLUB MEMBERS ONLY***Spike Club members, make sure to register TODAY to attend Oktoberfest Corporate night on Wednesday, October 18th!!
Space is VERY LIMITED so please register early!! Each Spike member is allowed to also register a "plus one" and you need to make sure to register them also.
We will offer a wait list once the event fills.
Registrants will receive a detailed email once we are closer to the event date (to include shuttle parking, HBA table location, tickets, & extras)
NOTE: If you register and you are unable to attend, please notify Julie at 918-663-5820 or JRivers@TulsaHBA.com to cancel and allow another Spike Club member to attend. Thank youContact Information
Julie Rivers
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